
Capacity Building Programming:

  • 3 day financial management workshops 
  • Annual thematic convening, eg. International Women's Day Ghanaian Feminism History-telling themed convening 
  • 4 day participatory resource mobilization bootcamp 
  • two-year coaching program on leadership and governance targeted at CEO/EDs and those in second level management
  • Arts Culture and Sports Convening 
  • Creative non-fiction writers workshops 
  • Reclaiming Our Spaces- African feminist forum hosting 


Examples of Grantees:

  • Box Girls Kenya: an organization that empowers African women and girls through boxing 
  • Community Media Trust- nonprofit media organization that specializes in human rights and gender violence themed media

Communication Strategy

AWDF has numerous ways of communicating with the public:  from online platforms, such as social media and news sources, to direct interaction with communities on the ground. AWDF has a facebook page, instagram, youtube, linkedin, twitter and blog for sharing news about their programs and information relevant to African feminist issues. The communications team is dedicated to disseminating information about AWDF to the public. In addition, the African Women's Development Fund also publishes reports on its strategy, progress and grantees, as well as other helpful resources for free. 

Created New Spaces

AWDF creates new spaces for African feminist organising across Africa by funding the establishment of its grantees organisations. For example, Box Girls, Surplus Peoples Project and Community Media Trust. 

In addition, AWDF hosts the African Feminist Forum: a regional gathering for African feminists to strategise, "refine approaches and develop stronger networks to advance women's rights in Africa".

Incorporated Cultural Forms
  • Arts (general)
  • Technology
  • Sports for Activism