

NAA is an organizing and policy partner for #NoRA, a collective action initiative to counteract the influence of NRA money in the American political system. #NoRA is “part festival, part protest, part art installation.” Its contributors are organizations, intersectional activism leaders, and social media and cultural influencers who aim to inspire new policy and empower survivors of gun violence.

Say No to #WeaponsofWar

NAA is one of 170+ organizations in a coalition called the Campaign Against Assault Weapons. CAAW asks individuals to sign a petition encouraging Donald Trump and Congress to ban assault weapons and high capacity magazines.


NAA pledges to vote out all politicians who take blood money from the NRA. Others can sign the pledge to #VoteThemOut in 2018 and 2020.


NAA is one of the partners in the campaign to tell lawmakers and candidates that they must reject NRA money or they won’t get elected. Others can pledge not to vote for candidates who accepts NRA money or ask their representatives to #NoNRAMoney candidate pledge.


NAA urges voters to put common sense gun laws at the top of the agenda in the upcoming elections by casting their ballots in the honor of people who have been silenced by gun violence. Myths & Facts About Guns NAA maintains a page on its website to debunk myths about guns.

Communication Strategy

NAA emphasizes face-to-face communication locally and nationally. Many events bring together community members to contact representatives or rally for a cause. NAA’s annual vigils brings communities across the country together to remember all victims of gun violence. In addition, NAA sponsors trips for victims and survivors of gun violence to travel to Washington, D.C., to lobby Congress for gun law reform.

NAA Congress
People affected by gun violence meet with members of Congress.

NAA is active on social media. It has several campaigns through which people can sign petitions or pledges to promote change.

Created New Spaces

NAA hosts an annual vigil at St. Mark’s Episcopal Church on Capitol Hill to remember the 100,000+ people who are lost or injured by gun violence each year. Other vigils are hosted by partner organizations across the nation occur during the month of December. The vigils transform churches and community centers into spaces where people who have been affected by gun violence can come together to pray for and remember their loved ones.

NAA Pulse vigil
NAA members come together for a vigil to honor victims of a shooting in Las Vegas.