
Red-State Revolts

West Virginia teachers began going on strike on February 2nd, 2018 in response to their health care benefits being cut. The teachers stayed out of the classroom for nine days total, protested in the capital of Charleston and generated national headlines.

West Virginia Education Association

The West Virginia Education Association is a professional interest group in West Virginia that serves as a voice for all public school teachers in the state. The WVEA is a voluntary membership organization that has around 15,000 active members, with over a 100 local affiliates around the state and a larger association with the National Education Association. The WVEA is based out of Charleston, West Virginia and has 25 full-time staff members. 

The Fight for $15

Underwritten by the Service Employees International Union, the Fight for $15 is composed of fast-food workers, home health aides, child care teachers, airport workers, adjunct professors, retail employees—and, as Fight for 15 puts its, “underpaid workers everywhere.”


Scholarism was a pro-democracy student activist group that fought for reform to Hong Kong's educational curriculum and political policy. It was founded May 29, 2011. It was reported to have around 200 members in May 2015. However, Scholarism was dissolved on March 2016 to merge together to form a political party called Demosistō. Demosistō takes many, if not all, of the beliefs and ideals Scholarism sought to enact. Demosistō was established on April 10, 2016 and is led by Joshua Wong, Agnes Chow, Nathan Law, and Oscar Lai. The Demosistō Facebook page currently has over 55,000 likes.