
Moms Demand Action for Gun Sense in America was created in December 2012, in immediate response to the tragic shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary School. As a leading force for gun violence prevention, the group supports the Second Amendment but believes that common sense solutions are necessary in order to protect our children and loved ones. Moms Demand Action emphasizes that gun violence is an epidemic and fights for stronger gun laws and policies that would decrease this escalating epidemic. Though founded by mothers, the organization includes a large demographic, including men and students. With a chapter in every state, Moms Demand Action is educating and mobilizing supporters to take action in favor of stricter gun legislation that will ultimately save lives. 

Moms Demand Action  https://momsdemandaction.org/


  • Common-sense solutions to gun violence
  • Stronger, sensible gun laws and policies 
  • Institution of universal background checks
    • In attempt to close major loopholes created through online sales and gun shows
  • Legislation prohibiting domestic abusers from having guns
  • Implementation of Red Flag Law





The gun lobby, specifically the National Rifle Association (NRA) provides the main oppositional force to Moms Demand Action, and the movement against gun violence in general. Specifically, for many years, the NRA has controlled the language regarding the movement against gun violence. Through their work, 'gun control' has received a negative connotation. 

#MomsDemand, #gunsense, #NoMoreSilence, #BeSMART, #StudentsDemandAction, #ProtectOurSchools, #PeopleOverProfits