protest rallies

Refugee Consortium of Kenya

Refugee Consortium of Kenya is a national NGO founded on creating and sustaining rights for forced migrants. Specifically, they are focused on three areas of aid; advocacy and policy development; legal and social justice, and communication; research and monitoring. Activist and legal professionals are working in all three of these branches to improve and promote the rights of refugees living in Kenya. RCK is joined by many partners from around the globe all collaborating to find applicable solutions for refugees.

Dongria Kondh Resistance

For over the past one decade (former) FTSE 100 company Vedanta threatened to displace the Dongria Kondh tribe and destroy the virginal lands of Niyamgiri, in order to extract Bauxite from under its hills. Vedanta planned to build a mine that would violate not just the land but the rights of the people whom rightfully belonged there. Deleterious effects on the environment, the people and the heritage of the tribal community would ensue.