
During the 75th Golden Globes Awards, many individuals wore black in solidarity of the Times Up movement that transpired in wake of the viral #MeToo movement. This became known as the black dress protest. The Times Up movement serves as a “next step” to the #MeToo movement where people, no matter their race, gender, or socioeconomic background, come together to create action-oriented goals that allow for meaningful change to occur, in regards to ending harassment for women in the workplace. Some people that participated in the black dress protest were women such as Reese Witherspoon, Eva Longoria, Salma Hayek and Ashley Judd (first public accuser of Harvey Weinstein), and men such as Dwayne Johnson, Tom Hanks and Chris Hemsworth. This protest embodied an extension of the Me Too movement that specifically focused around ending sexual abuse, harassment and inequalities in the workplace.


The goal of this protest was to publicly draw attention to the Times Up and Me Too movements, to create a space where people can publicly display their solidarity and create a call of action. The participants in this protest planned to use the Red Carpet as a platform to raise awareness the movements by the media, change policies, pass legislation and to get donations for the Times Up Legal Defense Fund. This fund uses its resources to protect women and men who are reporting sexual harassment, fights to change laws, and advocate for gender equality.

#TimesUp, #MeToo