
There is great inequality in the workplace. Christy Haubegger, a woman who helped start the Times Up movement, stated how “If you want to eradicate sexual harassment, first you have to solve inequality, because power imbalances are at the root of harassment behavior.” In addition, Tarana Burke, the creator of the Me Too movement noted that, gender equalities and harassment in the workplace “is a symptom of a larger, systemic inequality and a systemic pattern of exclusion for women, for people of color, and a lack of equilibrium in the power distribution in our business.” In order to eliminate harassment, the issues surrounding inequalities must first be solved.

Response to action

As of now, there are no new laws that have passed regarding sexual assault, harassment or workplace inequalities, but more people around the world are feeling empowered to call out their abusers and harassers. This protest, along with all other components of the Me Too and Times Up movements, is bringing discussion about sexual abuse, harassment and gender inequalities to the forefront, inspiring meaningful and impactful change.


As a result of the protest, there was a great deal of media that circulated around this issue. In addition, a GoFundMe page was created to raise money for the Times Up Legal Defense Fund. Within two months after this protest, the campaign raised over $21 million, making it the most successful campaign in GoFundMe history. Although this campaign raised money from donors across the world, the large majority of the donors were actually females.