
July 1960 - Jane Goodall arrives in Gombe, Tanzania to begin her research, where she discovered that chimpanzees eat meat, and make and use tools.

1963 - National Geographic publishes "My Life Among the Wild Chimpanzees", a cover story about Dr. Goodall and her research.  

1977 - The Jane Goodall Institute is founded

1986 - Dr. Jane Goodall becomes an activist, shifting her focus from observation/research to a broader, holistic animal-human conservation approach.

1991 - The institute begins the "Roots & Shoots" programs, which empower and give resources to students in Tanzania.

1991 - Established the Tchimpounga Chimpanzee Rehabilitation Center, which provides a home for orphaned chimpanzees.

2004 - Dr. Goodall is named an UN messenger of Peace, the highest honor fo the UN for global citizens.


The Jane Goodall Institute has a Board of Directors, Senior Management, Global Board, and Staff. It employs over 300 individuals from different backgrounds, ranging from field scientists to people with conservation, media, nonprofit, and corporate knowledge and from different places, from the Democratic Republic of Congo, Republic of Congo, Uganda, and Tanzania.